This quiz tests The Best Harry Potter Character Selector! Voldemort Harry Potter Knowledge Quizzes, Trivia, IQ Tests
This Harry Potter IQ Quiz is based upon the selector The Best Harry Potter Character Selector! by Laffy T'Caffy.
Test your knowledge of:

Show what you know by answering true or false to the following. Answer ''false'' if neither applies or if you're not sure. Your score will be calculated on the next page.

Your first question is below.

You walk into a people just automatically flock to you?
True False

Or do they pay more attention to your friends and family?
True False

Or were the last 2 questions just not applicable, because you are too busy to be out partying?
True False

Have you ever tried to fry an ant with a magnifying glass?
True False

Did the ant outsmart you?
True False

Is your idea of a good time playing a good prank?
True False

Or would you be too shy?
True False

If someone came to you, upset, would you try to comfort them?
True False

Or would you laugh at them?
True False

Do you tend to be everyone's scapegoat?
True False

If you found a hungry bunny-rabbit, would you feed it?
True False

Would you feed it to your snake?
True False

If you found a hungry man-eating gecko (don't ask), would you feed it?
True False

Would any of your friends consider you wise?
True False

Do you have any friends?
True False

If a friend broke a rule, would you lie to get him/her out of trouble?
True False

If you were in trouble, would you lie and blame it on a friend?
True False

If you found a wallet filled with $1,000, which you desperatly needed, would you still turn it into the police?
True False

Do you lie about abilities you have?
True False

If someone does something bad to you, would you plan revenge?
True False

Would you ever stab a friend in the back if your life depended on it?
True False

Would you stab a friend in the back for fun?
True False

Do you have a deep, dark secret?
True False

Are you a male? (Hoping that if you answer no, you are a female)
True False

Now that you have answered all the questions, continue to the Show Me My Score button below.

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