This quiz tests Ultima-Genisis, or building thy own truth. You are quite wise, your fate truly is how you construct it. Your thoughts are your only lead, for you know what is the aim of thy life, the source of thy fufillment and of thine happiness. Continue on this path. Philosophy Knowledge Quizzes, Trivia, IQ Tests
This Philosophy IQ Quiz is based upon the selector Ultima-Genisis, or building thy own truth. by EG.
Test your knowledge of:
You are quite wise, your fate truly is how you construct it. Your thoughts are your only lead, for you know what is the aim of thy life, the source of thy fufillment and of thine happiness. Continue on this path.

Show what you know by answering true or false to the following. Answer ''false'' if neither applies or if you're not sure. Your score will be calculated on the next page.

Your first question is below.

Do you believe in a superior being?
True False

Do you consider the existence of a superior being possible?
True False

Do you write?
True False

Do you keep a diary?
True False

Do you believe in stable opinion?
True False

Would you forgive anyone for anything?
True False

Whether you believe in any religion or not, would you agree with "Love the sinner, hate the sin"?
True False

Do you have a favourite philosopher?
True False

Would you consider Jesus, Buddah or other known religious leaders or prophets to be philosophers? Meaning they would carry an interpretation of the truth, not THE absolute truth?
True False

Do you believe the world and society are perfect as they are?
True False

Do you think there is a way to make society better in only a few years time?
True False

Is it more important to teach people your vision of truth (yes) or to teach how to search for their own truth?
True False

Are you more existential (Yes), or existentialist(No)? In other words, do you believe that the aim of life is to search for the aim of life (Yes), or that existence is are only certitude (No)? (If you think both of these are valid points put I don't know).
True False

Do you believe in human superiority over animals?
True False

Do you believe in human superiority over inanimate things?
True False

Do you believe that the world of thought is superior our reality (Yes) or that they are both co-valent?
True False

Is religion submission to an educated truth, and therefore a wrong path?
True False

Is there a way to judge some people superior to others?
True False

Would you agree that science is a philosphy?
True False

Would you agree that science is a philosphy?
True False

Would you agree that Language is a philosophy?
True False

Is Love more fair than Hate?
True False

Does the individual have more importance than the community (Yes), or is it the other way around (No)? Or are they both equivalent (Don't know)?
True False

And last but not least: Do you agree with the following phrase: "Time is the omnipresent creator and master of our reality, for its presence dictates what is to come, and its flow cannot be stopped"?
True False

Now that you have answered all the questions, continue to the Show Me My Score button below.

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