This quiz tests The RPG Alignment Selector Chaotic Good Role Playing Games Knowledge Quizzes, Trivia, IQ Tests
This Role Playing Games IQ Quiz is based upon the selector The RPG Alignment Selector by Dasha.
Test your knowledge of:
Chaotic Good

Show what you know by answering true or false to the following. Answer ''false'' if neither applies or if you're not sure. Your score will be calculated on the next page.

Your first question is below.

Society works best when there is a detailed justice system.
True False

The world would run smoother if I ruled it.
True False

I wish people would leave me alone.
True False

I have an invisible green man who lives on my shoulder.
True False

Revenge is one of the sweetest things there are.
True False

I only really care about myself and my friends, the rest of the world can rot.
True False

I love the smell of charred flesh in the morning.
True False

When outnumbered by foes, it's sometimes good to yell really loud, because you might scare them off.
True False

You should always kill any enemy who might come up behind you later.
True False

Friendship and loyalty are far more important than the law.
True False

Torture is justifiable if it gets me what I need.
True False

Torture is just really really fun.
True False

I wish people were more efficient, like me.
True False

The best way to deal with adversity is to never give up hope.
True False

Doing the right thing is its own reward.
True False

I enjoy doing things simply to annoy others sometimes.
True False

When the going gets tough, the tough eliminate the competition.
True False

It is better to be loved than feared.
True False

Whoever has the most toys wins.
True False

Crime never pays.
True False

You can get a lot further with a gun and a kind word than with just a kind word.
True False

Decisions should always be made by considering the big picture.
True False

People who are weaker than me aren't worth considering.
True False

Being spontaneous is far better than always planning things out.
True False

Now that you have answered all the questions, continue to the Show Me My Score button below.

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