This quiz tests What Political Party should you Vote for? Democrat Politics Knowledge Quizzes, Trivia, IQ Tests
This Politics IQ Quiz is based upon the selector What Political Party should you Vote for? by Keeping it Real.
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Show what you know by answering true or false to the following. Answer ''false'' if neither applies or if you're not sure. Your score will be calculated on the next page.

Your first question is below.

Abortion should be legal
True False

The government should fund abortions
True False

Gays should be allowed to marry and adopt children
True False

Tax cuts or more public spending (welfare, medicare, etc)? I say tax cuts
True False

Tax cuts for corporations are actually good; they encourage investment and economic growth trickles down
True False

Government regulation is better than market incentive programs to protect the environment
True False

Rather than providing beneficial alternatives to failing schools, school vouchers and charter schools are destroying public education
True False

Rather than leading to more firing and less hiring, raising the minimum wage is good and helps the poor
True False

We should support Israel with more aid, and give less aid to Palestine
True False

I support the death penalty
True False

Should the police have more (crime is a major problem) or less (the privacy rights of citizens is most important) power to fight crime? I say less
True False

Social security needs to be privatized to be viable
True False

We are losing the drug war; rather than concentrate on prosecution, we should concentrate on treatment
True False

"God Bless America" and voluntary prayer in schools have a place in the public realm
True False

Free trade is essential to a flourishing economy
True False

Rather than being a healthy sign of free trade and providing lower consumer costs, American industries like car manufactuing and farming should be protected so jobs don't leave our country
True False

Spending more on our defense is a top priority
True False

As a superpower we should get more involved in helping solve the problems of other countries, rather than leave them alone
True False

Rather than being new examples of inequality, affirmative action programs are good and help fix past wrongs, and should be expanded
True False

Health care should be universal and provided for by the government rather than individual choice and the market
True False

Protecting the enivornment outweighs private property rights
True False

The national federal government is better than state governments at solving problems, and should have more authority to do so
True False

Rather than clean our government, current campaign finance reform measures are unconstitutional and violate expressions of free speech
True False

Rather than needing to be restricted and regulated more, the Constitution protects the rights of Americans to own guns for protection and that is good
True False

Now that you have answered all the questions, continue to the Show Me My Score button below.

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