This quiz tests Political Party and Ideology Very liberal (Jesse Jackson, Ted Kennedy) Politics Knowledge Quizzes, Trivia, IQ Tests
This Politics IQ Quiz is based upon the selector Political Party and Ideology by Christopher B. Hailey.
Test your knowledge of:
Very liberal (Jesse Jackson, Ted Kennedy)

Show what you know by answering true or false to the following. Answer ''false'' if neither applies or if you're not sure. Your score will be calculated on the next page.

Your first question is below.

Women, African Americans, and Latinos should be admitted to state colleges and universities in the same percentage as their percentage as the state's population.
True False

The postal service should be sold to a private company so it would be more efficient.
True False

It is the responsibility of the federal government to insure equal pay for men and women who do equal work.
True False

The death penalty is appropriate in some situations.
True False

Evidence obtained illegally by police should not be allowed in criminal trials.
True False

Organized prayer should be allowed in public schools.
True False

Women have the right to choose abortions in all circumstances.
True False

Vouchers should be given to all parents of school age children to help pay for private school if parents so choose.
True False

The U.S. shouldn't trade with countries that have a bad record on human rights.
True False

Individuals (rather than outside forces) are responsible for their own success or failure in life.
True False

Government should strictly regulate pollution caused by factories even though this may be expensive.
True False

Mandatory minimum sentences and elimination of parole will help control crime.
True False

Access to health care should be guaranteed by government.
True False

Eliminating welfare programs is the best way to get people out of poverty.
True False

Taxes should be collected on profits from personal investment like stocks and bonds.
True False

Private businesses should be able to hire or not hire anyone they wish, even if it is discriminatory.
True False

Pornography is protected by the First Amendment.
True False

Laws that restrict gun ownership take away the personal freedom of Americans.
True False

The federal government should act to reduce levels of unemployment, including providing jobs in areas of need.
True False

English should be declared our official national language.
True False

Now that you have answered all the questions, continue to the Show Me My Score button below.

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