This quiz tests Which Dictator Are You? Saddam Hussein Politics Knowledge Quizzes, Trivia, IQ Tests
This Politics IQ Quiz is based upon the selector Which Dictator Are You? by MJP.
Test your knowledge of:
Saddam Hussein

Show what you know by answering true or false to the following. Answer ''false'' if neither applies or if you're not sure. Your score will be calculated on the next page.

Your first question is below.

Do you usually have something to smoke (Cigar, cigarette, bong, hash pipe, salmon, etc)?
True False

Do you really, really, REALLY not like the way you look?
True False

Did you play "soldier" or GI Joe when you were little?
True False

Do you look up to your father and mother?
True False

Do you work better with your hands than you do your head?
True False

Do you like to take long walks all over the place?
True False

Do you lose your temper easily?
True False

Do you have excess facial hair?
True False

Are you very confrontational amongst your friends and neighbors?
True False

Do you often wear anything on your head (Hat, cap, etc.)?
True False

Do you aspire to marry well?
True False

Do you wear glasses?
True False

Do you enjoy climates that are almost consistently warm?
True False

Do you like to bide your time and concentrate on one task at once?
True False

Do you like the color red?
True False

Are you often jolly and friendly?
True False

Are you willing to backstab your best friend to advance your own aims?
True False

Do you feel that society is inherently a good thing?
True False

Is a big government necessary for national prosperity?
True False

Once you talk, is it hard to get you to stop?
True False

Would your friends say that you can pick them up when they feel down?
True False

Are you a very unlucky person/do you screw things up or botch easily?
True False

Are you from the Western Hemisphere?
True False

Do you feel very young?
True False

Now that you have answered all the questions, continue to the Show Me My Score button below.

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