This quiz tests Which version of ACIM suits you best? Urtext of ACIM Religion Knowledge Quizzes, Trivia, IQ Tests
This Religion IQ Quiz is based upon the selector Which version of ACIM suits you best? by Stephen Hodge.
Test your knowledge of:
Urtext of ACIM

Show what you know by answering true or false to the following. Answer ''false'' if neither applies or if you're not sure. Your score will be calculated on the next page.

Your first question is below.

The author of the Course was the historical Jesus of Nazareth.
True False

The Author of the Course was Helen who accessed her deep spirituality that took the form of Jesus Christ.
True False

Both faith and study are required in the Course.
True False

The Course requires faith more than study to be understood properly.
True False

God created time and matter (whatever they are).
True False

There is an Absolute Reality 'throughout' the World that our projections 'obscure'.
True False

The editing of the published version of the Course was carried out under the real Authors guidance and received a final blessing.
True False

The copyright on the published version should be retained and enforced.
True False

The copyright on the JCIM should be retained and enforced.
True False

The copyright on the Urtext of ACIM should be retained and enforced.
True False

Dr. Kenneth Wapnick follows a direct lineage from the Voice (via Helen).
True False

Prof. Bill Thetford was the Authors choice to prepare the Course for the world.
True False

The copyright policy is for the protection of the purity and integrity of the Course.
True False

Studying as well as faith in the Course requires access to the original (and earliest) materials.
True False

Only the split-mind can perceive errors in the Course (any version)
True False

The published version of the Course may contain errors.
True False

The JCIM may contain errors.
True False

The Urtext of the Course may contain errors.
True False

The published version of the Course is an abridgement.
True False

The JCIM is an abridgement.
True False

The Urtext is the best available Course at this time.
True False

Miracles are just a change of mind and do not involve effects in the world.
True False

God can hear your prayers.
True False

The Holy Spirit is a very real part of your mind and your behaviour is a result of the ratio between your awareness of the HS and your ego.
True False

Now that you have answered all the questions, continue to the Show Me My Score button below.

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