This quiz tests Are you a Tory, a Whig, or just want to be left alone? Tory or Loyalist History Knowledge Quizzes, Trivia, IQ Tests
This History IQ Quiz is based upon the selector Are you a Tory, a Whig, or just want to be left alone? by Buck Bannister.
Test your knowledge of:
Tory or Loyalist

Show what you know by answering true or false to the following. Answer ''false'' if neither applies or if you're not sure. Your score will be calculated on the next page.

Your first question is below.

I believe the United State Federal Government is too big.
True False

The militia movement is a viable and responsible group of people.
True False

Timothy McVeigh was a misunderstood hero.
True False

I don't mind paying more in taxes to underwrite the "War on Terrorism."
True False

Payroll taxes are necessary if we are to have a civil society.
True False

The sales taxes and property taxes charged by individual states are necessary for security and infrastructure.
True False

The state has a duty and right to promote moral and religious behavior.
True False

Protective tariffs damage our ability to compete globally.
True False

I worry about the erosion of traditional American institutions and language.
True False

We should kick all the incumbents out of Congress and start over with a new batch.
True False

I believe the "Pledge" should be recited everyday in our schools and public institutions.
True False

Posting the Ten Commandments helps insure the continuity of our shared heritage.
True False

Government subsidies of business and agriculture are just forms of welfare.
True False

Countries which receive protection from our Armed Forces should help pay for that defense.
True False

The media has far too much leeway in its slanted reporting.
True False

The state should not charge fees for hunters and fisherman.
True False

Property condemnation is an acceptable way to obtain lands for public use.
True False

I oppose gun registration and gun control.
True False

Sobriety checkpoints and drug searches are good for protecting the public safety and security.
True False

Having a common national identity is very important to me.
True False

I oppose the draft.
True False

I believe that English should be the only language allowed in our schools and public institutions.
True False

I do not like the idea of "multi-cultural" dress being allowed in our schools, especially when radically different from normal American dress.
True False

We should not interfere in other countries, especially with deployment of troops or monetary support of regimes.
True False

Now that you have answered all the questions, continue to the Show Me My Score button below.

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