This quiz tests Spiritus Sancti Selector Some of your beliefs match those of my Church. You should learn more about the church Religion Knowledge Quizzes, Trivia, IQ Tests
This Religion IQ Quiz is based upon the selector Spiritus Sancti Selector by Aaron C. Kinder.
Test your knowledge of:
Some of your beliefs match those of my Church. You should learn more about the church

Show what you know by answering true or false to the following. Answer ''false'' if neither applies or if you're not sure. Your score will be calculated on the next page.

Your first question is below.

God comes in the form of a Father and Mother God.
True False

Jesus was the literal son of God
True False

Evolution has no place within Christianity
True False

God is a vengeful, jelious god
True False

God is all loving and all knowing
True False

We are here to experence for god
True False

There is a literal hell where sinners are punished
True False

In heaven we know everything
True False

There are angles watching over us at every moment
True False

We each comes into life with a special entity that watches over us called a Spirit Guide
True False

The Father God is active in our every day lives
True False

The Mother God is active in our every day lives
True False

Life is not predestioned
True False

Before we come into life we write a chart of how our life is to be
True False

I believe in a westernized version of reincarnation, where a human spirit will only incarnate into a human form
True False

I believe in an After Life
True False

There is only one true religion
True False

We are all born into sin
True False

Sinners will not pass over to heaven
True False

Jesus was/is our spiritual elder
True False

In order to be "saved" you must go to church and accept Jesus as your savior
True False

Sacraments such as baptism are necessary to please God
True False

It is our goal to perfect our souls through lessons learned in each incarnation
True False

If you mistreat people in a past life it is your "karma" to be mistreated in this life
True False

Now that you have answered all the questions, continue to the Show Me My Score button below.

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