This quiz tests What star sign are you Earth Astrology Knowledge Quizzes, Trivia, IQ Tests
This Astrology IQ Quiz is based upon the selector What star sign are you by Astrochick.
Test your knowledge of:

Show what you know by answering true or false to the following. Answer ''false'' if neither applies or if you're not sure. Your score will be calculated on the next page.

Your first question is below.

Do you like people who will laugh with you and who are lively?
True False

Do you prefer the chase to the relationship?
True False

Does eccentric behaviour make you nervous?
True False

Are you attracted to people who are calm and dependable?
True False

Do you need friends who are inventive and fun?
True False

Do you need to be able to talk to your partner for hours and hours?
True False

Are you more a ready made family than a friend?
True False

Do you need lots of TLC(Tender Loving Care) from your partner?
True False

Do you prefer sports to maths?
True False

Do you find it hard to do any homwork due to tension and twitchiness?
True False

Do you prefer buisness to sport?
True False

When doing homework are you tidy, methodical and industrious?
True False

Do you prefer English to cooking?
True False

Is concentration you strong point when it comes to homework?
True False

Do you prefer music or dance to science?
True False

Does your homework look ordered and neat?
True False

Is cleaning up and attractive proposition?
True False

Do you like adventurous and physical vacations?
True False

Do you usually do your share of the housework?
True False

Do you like to absorb nature?
True False

Is your idea of housework just to move a few thing then add some more?
True False

Do you like to take educational breaks while having a vacation?
True False

Are you good at making a room look pretty and tidy?
True False

Do you prefer to stay home than go on vacation?
True False

Now that you have answered all the questions, continue to the Show Me My Score button below.

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