This quiz tests Which Religion For You? Mahayana Buddhism Religion Knowledge Quizzes, Trivia, IQ Tests
This Religion IQ Quiz is based upon the selector Which Religion For You? by Mega-Dan.
Test your knowledge of:
Mahayana Buddhism

Show what you know by answering true or false to the following. Answer ''false'' if neither applies or if you're not sure. Your score will be calculated on the next page.

Your first question is below.

The scripts, rites, laws, and precepts of the faith must be followed precisely and literally.
True False

The eternal higher power resides both within and beyond all.
True False

The creator is incorporeal, and has no physical body.
True False

The creator is forgiving, and all feel this mercy after death, regardless of sins.
True False

People are only saved through human effort.
True False

It's narrow to think there is only one higher power.
True False

Angels exist.
True False

Pacifism should be fundamental.
True False

It should be necesary to help those in need.
True False

Educated, spiritual people should work as mediators between believers and the eternal.
True False

Abortion is killing a living being.
True False

The holy books of the faith should not be altered or translated on the large scale.
True False

It is possible for mortal beings to understand the eternal through religion.
True False

Karma is a fundamental, undeniable phenomenon.
True False

Homosexuality is out of harmony.
True False

Divorce and remarriage should be avoided, or even condemned.
True False

Meditation can bring one closer to the higher power.
True False

The faith should be spread, by force if necesary.
True False

Inter-faith marriages are ok.
True False

There is a balance of both good and evil in the world.
True False

The creator will judge all, for the creator is fair and just.
True False

Ancestors are important, and should be revered.
True False

Other religions should be avoided.
True False

Viva la` revolution!
True False

Now that you have answered all the questions, continue to the Show Me My Score button below.

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