This quiz tests Elementals Test Fire - Passion, anger, strength. The Fire Elemental is the symbol of power and desire, and it as reckless as it is powerful. People attuned to the Fire Elemental are the most empassioned, zealous people alive, strong-willed and never yielding, but also not very directed and almost impossible to focus. Religion Knowledge Quizzes, Trivia, IQ Tests
This Religion IQ Quiz is based upon the selector Elementals Test by Primal. Test your knowledge of: Fire - Passion, anger, strength. The Fire Elemental is the symbol of power and desire, and it as reckless as it is powerful. People attuned to the Fire Elemental are the most empassioned, zealous people alive, strong-willed and never yielding, but also not very directed and almost impossible to focus.
Show what you know by answering true or false to the following. Answer ''false'' if neither applies or if you're not sure. Your score will be calculated on the next page.