This quiz tests Which Dragon Are You? Nyar Recreation Knowledge Quizzes, Trivia, IQ Tests
This Recreation IQ Quiz is based upon the selector Which Dragon Are You? by BloodlessDragon.
Test your knowledge of:

Show what you know by answering true or false to the following. Answer ''false'' if neither applies or if you're not sure. Your score will be calculated on the next page.

Your first question is below.

Do you blow things up for no particular reason?
True False

...or do you prefer to have some excuse (or 'noble' reason) to do so?
True False

Maybe you don't do either, but prefer to read a book-or any other not-so-flashy activity?
True False

Which phrase is better: "Foomy Wowness" (yes) or "I'll kill you" (no). Or of course "No Preference."
True False

Would you want to have your food roasted (yes) or raw (no)? Or no food at all (no pref.)?
True False

Do you sleep on the floor alot?
True False

Do you have a certain love for storing things away?
True False

Do you like swimming?
True False

Are you just plain crazy (yes), or are you depressed (no)? Maybe both(no pref.)?
True False

Can you climbs trees?
True False

Would you rather have a bladed tail (yes) or functioning wings (no)?
True False

Would you prefer to be cute and cuddly the majority of the time (yes)...or vicious and terrifying (no)?
True False

When someone insults you: Do you let it go (yes) or do you want make them suffer for it (no)?
True False

Can you sing?
True False

Do you ever want to have children?
True False

Would you rather be alive(yes) or undead(no)?
True False

Are you a nice person to people you don't know yet?
True False

Do you plan to rule the world someday?
True False

Which are better bright green eyes (yes) or blood red eyes (no)? Or blue eyes (no pref.)?
True False

And just for kicks...are you cheating?
True False

Now that you have answered all the questions, continue to the Show Me My Score button below.

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