This quiz tests YOUR rpg-personality! Lawful Neutral = Orders are orders Dungeons & Dragons Knowledge Quizzes, Trivia, IQ Tests
This Dungeons & Dragons IQ Quiz is based upon the selector YOUR rpg-personality! by Ville Pekkala.
Test your knowledge of:
Lawful Neutral = Orders are orders

Show what you know by answering true or false to the following. Answer ''false'' if neither applies or if you're not sure. Your score will be calculated on the next page.

Your first question is below.

Do you throw a coin to a beggar or a street musician?
True False

If you see an old lady trying to cross the street, will you help her?
True False

If you see a fight between two gangs, both with their own ideologies (neither interested by you), will you just let them fight?
True False

If you are working for government and you are ordered to kill someone, won't you think about his guilt but just go and get the job done?
True False

Do you like having fun, like getting drunk and "borrowing" cars or some other senseless stuff?
True False

Do you enjoy watching when someone is getting hurt - mentally or physically?
True False

Do you have so called "sense of evil"? It means that you *know* when someone is trying to do something bad or is trying to plot himself something from others?
True False

Do you have irresistible call to army, police or some other order-keeping organization doing with justice and right?
True False

Do you think there is no god(s)?
True False

Do you think there is no one who will ever rule everybody, but people will always rule themselves?
True False

Do you think that when people see you, they will think "Ow, he/she is so nice to me! And he/she never gets late from meeting and is always there for me..."?
True False

Do you think that when people see you, they think that "He/she is so good. All the time helping people and trying to make this world better place to live..."?
True False

When people see you, will they think that "Well, I know he/she is a bit unexpected, but he/she is always so nice. Never gets a sulky face - just smile..."?
True False

Do you think that when people see you, they will think "He/she is a bit cold blood, but always on time. Never gets late - never gets parking tickets either! But he/she just won't like take any reaction to things around..."?
True False

Do you think that when people see you, they will think that "He/she is like stone. No move, no sound and no ideologies. Once I asked him, that 'which president will you think that wins the election?' He/she said 'I dunno, who cares'..."
True False

Do you think that when people see you, they will think "My goodness, he/she actually is so silly. Never cares about other people's feelings, just fooling around all the time..."
True False

Do you think that when people see you, they will think "He/she is so 'just'. Always on time and stuff, but even when he/she is, he/she gets pointy and starts to tell bad jokes about your mother..."
True False

Do you think that when people see you, they will think "Actually he/she is kinda cold person. Doesn't much care what's going around him/her but even still tries to get everybody in trouble..."
True False

Do you think that when people see you, they might think "Oh my, how bad he/she is! All the time crashing windows, jumping on cars... And now even stole my bracelet and melt it to my door...!"
True False

Now that you have answered all the questions, continue to the Show Me My Score button below.

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