This quiz tests Order, National Identity, and Socialist Leanings vs. Capitalism, Multiculturalism and Chaos national socialist Politics Knowledge Quizzes, Trivia, IQ Tests
This Politics IQ Quiz is based upon the selector Order, National Identity, and Socialist Leanings vs. Capitalism, Multiculturalism and Chaos by DarkCloud.
Test your knowledge of:
national socialist

Show what you know by answering true or false to the following. Answer ''false'' if neither applies or if you're not sure. Your score will be calculated on the next page.

Your first question is below.

Would you trust businesses to generally benefit the public more if they were unregulated?
True False

Would you agrtee to the govt being able to read your mail or email if requested in court?
True False

Would you agrtee to the govt being able to read your mail or email at any time?
True False

Would you agree to increased surveilleance in the interests of recuding crime and traffic safety
True False

Do you lock your home at night?
True False

Do you support the Draft?
True False

Should the Government regulate the use of Marijuana?
True False

Would you trust businesses to generally benefit the public more if they were unregulated?
True False

Would You be willing to force businesses to develop new technology?
True False

Would you force businesses to donate money to charities?
True False

Would you force businesses to assist the government in caring for the poor?
True False

wOuld you be willing to open up nature preserves/national parks to business development?
True False

Do you support special rights for minorities?
True False

Would you like to restrict the rights of minorities?
True False

Are you for or against increased immigration?
True False

Are you for deporting all illegal immigrants?
True False

Are you for requiring everyone in your nation to speak the same language?
True False

Do you support your government no matter what?
True False

Do you support longer residency times before someone becomes a citizen?
True False

Would you support your government in a war even if you have misgivings about it?
True False

Should Health care be run by corporations or the government?
True False

Are you for abortion if there are no extenuating circumstances?
True False

Should the environment be more protected?
True False

SHould businesses be more regulated?
True False

Now that you have answered all the questions, continue to the Show Me My Score button below.

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