This quiz tests What Dungeons & Dragons Monster Are You? A Dragon Dungeons & Dragons Knowledge Quizzes, Trivia, IQ Tests
This Dungeons & Dragons IQ Quiz is based upon the selector What Dungeons & Dragons Monster Are You? by Kemo.
Test your knowledge of:
A Dragon

Show what you know by answering true or false to the following. Answer ''false'' if neither applies or if you're not sure. Your score will be calculated on the next page.

Your first question is below.

Are you a Good (Yes), Evil (No), or Neutral (Not Sure) person?
True False

Are you a small (Yes), large (No), or average (Not Sure) sized person?
True False

Are you smart (Yes), stupid (No), or of average (Not Sure) intelligence?
True False

Do you know how to fly?
True False

Do you know how to use magic?
True False

Can you breathe a swath of destruction from your mouth or nose (fire, poison, lightning, etc...)?
True False

Are you eternal?
True False

Are you forced to fulfill the wishes and commands of lesser beings on a daily basis?
True False

Have you ever killed someone, you know, because they were there?
True False

Do you have ... more body parts than is normal?
True False

Can I see through you, if I look close enough?
True False

Do you sleep on a giant pile of gold, gems, and other assorted treasure?
True False

Does it take some sort of miracle to destroy you?
True False

Are you a slave who just whimpers and grovels all day, hoping to get a piece of that nice little Goblin’s tail?
True False

Do you have minions that bow to your every whim?
True False

Are you a leader?
True False

Have you ever been chased by pitchfork wielding villagers?
True False

What about this: have you ever been to another Plane of Existence (Hell, Heaven, Limbo ... Bob’s Burger Hut ...)
True False

Can you destroy entire countrysides ... just because you’re hungry?
True False

Are you even ... alive?
True False

Do you fight with weapons?
True False

Do you live underground?
True False

Are you a good-looking kind of person?
True False

And, finally ... Is it as much fun as it looks?
True False

Now that you have answered all the questions, continue to the Show Me My Score button below.

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