This quiz tests Chorley's Ideology Test Centrist/Reformer Politics Knowledge Quizzes, Trivia, IQ Tests
This Politics IQ Quiz is based upon the selector Chorley's Ideology Test by Brian Chorley.
Test your knowledge of:

Show what you know by answering true or false to the following. Answer ''false'' if neither applies or if you're not sure. Your score will be calculated on the next page.

Your first question is below.

Federal gun regulations ought to be limited or repealed.
True False

Drugs ought to be decriminalized or legalized completely.
True False

The state should not recognize homosexual marriages or civil unions.
True False

The death penalty should be abolished.
True False

Roe v. Wade ought to be overturned.
True False

Affirmative action programs are necessary to counter the effects of a skewed system of inequality
True False

Flag desecration should be a crime.
True False

Racial profiling is inherently racist and should end.
True False

National security should be considered a priority over considering of civil liberties.
True False

Limitations on private spending in political campaigns violates free speech.
True False

Immigration should be reduced and/or immigration laws should be strengthened.
True False

ANWR should not be opened up for oil exploration and drilling.
True False

The war on terrorism should end immediately and/or our military budget should be reduced.
True False

The healthcare system should remain privatized.
True False

The progressive income tax is fair and necessary in order to combat gross wealth inequities.
True False

Government funded vouchers for private schools are a bad idea and unconstitutional
True False

Social Security ought to be reformed to allow people to invest more of their money in private accounts or stocks & bonds.
True False

Free trade agreements too often ignore/undermine labor, environmental and/or sovereignty considerations/standards.
True False

Minimum wage should be increased.
True False

A National Missile Defense system is necessary for the security of our country.
True False

Now that you have answered all the questions, continue to the Show Me My Score button below.

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