This quiz tests Which of My Fav Fictional Worlds must Belle Crossover to?🌹 Highlander Disney Knowledge Quizzes, Trivia, IQ Tests
This Disney IQ Quiz is based upon the selector Which of My Fav Fictional Worlds must Belle Crossover to?🌹 by gtnish7.
Test your knowledge of:

Show what you know by answering true or false to the following. Answer ''false'' if neither applies or if you're not sure. Your score will be calculated on the next page.

Your first question is below.

NO ONE is quick like Gaston, no one is slick like Gaston, no one has a HEAD thick like Gaston, except, maybe you.😡
True False

Is the James Bond (007) franchise, despite being sold to Amazon, at least in your TOP 3?
True False

Do you think Emma Watson would make an amazing Bond girl, femme fatale, main antagonist, or ALL of the above?
True False

Is Star Wars at least in your TOP 3?
True False

Is your favorite character in the neighborhood of C3PO or Chewbacca?
True False

Is Star Trek at least in your TOP 3?
True False

Should Belle be your Captain and you are her First Officer (Agree) or the other way around (Disagree)?
True False

Is Harry Potter at least in your TOP 3?
True False

Blue Pill, the Sorting Hat should select Belle for Ravenclaw🦅 (Agree) or the Red Pill, the Sorting Hat should select Belle for Gryffindor🦁 (Disagree)?
True False

Is Ultraman at least in your TOP 3?
True False

Is Godzilla at least in your TOP 3?
True False

Do you think Belle would be a good choice for the next alter ego of Ultrawoman Beth?
True False

Is Mighty Morphin Power Rangers (MMPR) at least in your TOP 3?
True False

Do you think she would look good in yellow (Agree) or in PINK (Disagree)?
True False

Is Highlander at least in your TOP 3?
True False

Blue Pill, she is into Connor MacLeod (Agree) or the Red Pill, she is into Duncan and they are invited as GUESTS to attend a dinner with the Prime Minister for saving his life (Disagree)?
True False

Is Transformers at least in your TOP 3?
True False

Truck NOT monkey!🙈
True False

Is DC (Detective Comics) at least in your TOP 3?
True False

After being attacked by wolves do you think Belle possesses superhuman strength and stamina, enabling her to lug the Beast back to the castle?
True False

Is Marvel and/or the MCU at least in your TOP 3?
True False

Should Belle be in the Marvel Universe (Agree) or in the DC Universe (Disagree)?
True False

Is Doctor Who at least in your TOP 3?
True False

Could Belle be the next, DOCTOR?!
True False

Now that you have answered all the questions, continue to the Show Me My Score button below.

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