This quiz tests Sengoku Nihon! Lorena -- What the..?! It's hard to believe that someone like you actually exists! You are the PERFECT woman! Beautiful, intelligent, great fashion sense, kind, sweet, tolerant. No, no, no! We don't deserve you in this world! Friends & Roommates Knowledge Quizzes, Trivia, IQ Tests
This Friends & Roommates IQ Quiz is based upon the selector Sengoku Nihon! by Kikyou.
Test your knowledge of:
Lorena -- What the..?! It's hard to believe that someone like you actually exists! You are the PERFECT woman! Beautiful, intelligent, great fashion sense, kind, sweet, tolerant. No, no, no! We don't deserve you in this world!

Show what you know by answering true or false to the following. Answer ''false'' if neither applies or if you're not sure. Your score will be calculated on the next page.

Your first question is below.

You are an expert at screwing up songs because you can't keep a straight tone through the higher octaves.
True False

While in class, your teacher makes a mistake. You intentionally make your friend laugh at the mistake to get them in trouble.
True False

You love to boss your best friend around, especially by saying: PICK UP YOUR CLOTHES!!!!!!!! STUDY FOR THE TEST!"
True False

You always say authistic comments at the end of a song.
True False

Earlier on, you always ended up dating the same loser even though you claimed he's a moron and ugly as hell.
True False

At the sound of an explosion, did you use to jump into your friends bed for safety?
True False

You also screw up songs because you can't help laughing at Sarah's funny imitations, specially the authistics... wo wo wo!.
True False

You are eating chinese rice. You bite down an onion without thinking, and then scream like hell.
True False

You love soccer, rancheras and vallenatos... that's why your friends call you "mañe"
True False

Your friends claim that Edgar hits you every night in bed, and Francisco bites you, in order to explain scratches and bruises
True False

You are the master at making fart noises during recordings, and you love your onee-sama's little sister, who calls herself a fart
True False

When you're drunk, you always end up passing out right beside the toilet after throwing up
True False

You used to go on exaggerated diets, even making your best friend drink only water for the whole day
True False

Since age five, you've had a male best friend. He ends up being your first kiss, yet you ened up hating him for life. Even though you've dumped him with a vengeance, he still follows you like a love sick puppy
True False

In the middle of a song, you suddenly scream: Hijueputa!!!! (son of a bitch), and also... in a volleyball game, you scream FUUU! when your team gets a point
True False

Along with your crazy friend, you created a tampon with the size of a pennis and tried to make a commercial of it at school
True False

You used to do all the hard work in computers class in 9th grade because your best friend is an airhead at the subject
True False

You're the most loyal member of ACAC (anti priest club)
True False

You love to blackmail your male friends
True False

When it comes to explaining subjects such as Math and Physics to your best friend, you are amazingly patient
True False

Even though you've had innocent sex with two men, you are surprise you talk so freely about it
True False

Your friend eats like a pig, and you yell at her for it because she makes you do the same
True False

You get soooooo embarrased when you see your onee-sama making out in front of you
True False

You hate the animals of other people, and you wish to kill them by any means possible.
True False

Now that you have answered all the questions, continue to the Show Me My Score button below.

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