This quiz tests Get a Seinfeld Villain and I will Give U a Superman Villain Soup Nazi (Darkseid) Television Knowledge Quizzes, Trivia, IQ Tests
This Television IQ Quiz is based upon the selector Get a Seinfeld Villain and I will Give U a Superman Villain by gtnish7.
Test your knowledge of:
Soup Nazi (Darkseid)

Show what you know by answering true or false to the following. Answer ''false'' if neither applies or if you're not sure. Your score will be calculated on the next page.

Your first question is below.

Do you seek revenge?
True False

They just cannot get your name right.
True False

Are you the one in charge (Yes) or a follower (No)?
True False

Everyone is a bit imbalanced, but is yours more obvious?
True False

Are you absolutely repulsive to the opposite gender?
True False

Are you a lady?
True False

Are you on the heavy side?
True False

You cannot get rid of the jerks that went to school with you, or at least the shenanigans.
True False

Were you coddled when you were a child?
True False

Are you archenemy material?
True False

Extroverted (Yes) or introverted (No)?
True False

Are you the King/Queen of Mimic?
True False

Are you a reoccurring pain in butt, often times?
True False

Are you a healthy person?
True False

Are you a spoilsport at heart?
True False

Do you drastically change your appearance?
True False

Would you physically attack someone?
True False

Are you jealous of Jerry Seinfeld in his ability to womanize?
True False

You are prone to wasting your talents.
True False

Are you probably smarter than Jerry Seinfeld?
True False

Are you probably stronger than Jerry Seinfeld?
True False

Would you probably be more popular than Jerry Seinfeld?
True False

Do you actually like Jerry Seinfeld?
True False

Or did you like Jerry Seinfeld?
True False

Now that you have answered all the questions, continue to the Show Me My Score button below.

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