This quiz tests Which madhhab are you? Maliki Religion Knowledge Quizzes, Trivia, IQ Tests
This Religion IQ Quiz is based upon the selector Which madhhab are you? by Mouwehhideh.
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Show what you know by answering true or false to the following. Answer ''false'' if neither applies or if you're not sure. Your score will be calculated on the next page.

Your first question is below.

Should the most obvious conclusion of a hadith, verse, or analogy be rejected for a "good" cause or reason?
True False

Are you a Shi'ite?
True False

Should we follow the example of the people of Madina? (the residence of the Prophet Muhammad saw)
True False

Should the most literal interpretation of the Quran and Sunnah be taken whenever possible?
True False

Should a weak or mursal (only the sahabi missing, but all of them were trustworthy) narrations be used in absence of an authentic proof?
True False

"Whoever leaves/ abandons prayer has disbelieved." Does not praying Salah make you a disbeliever?
True False

The Sunnah should be primarily understood in light of the Quran and not the other way around.
True False

Rebelling against the muslim ruler is allowed
True False

Women can lead the men in salah
True False

I prioritise the narrations of the Ahlul Bait (near family of the prophet saw)
True False

Most of the narrators of hadith are unreliable (in Sunni books esp)
True False

The ijtihad/ rulings of the Sahaba are not a proof in and of themselves
True False

There is such thing as a "good innovation" in religion
True False

It is impermissible to analogize in the religion
True False

Analogy and reason should a last resort to interpreting scripture
True False

It is not possible for a lone (gharib) authentic hadith to clarify anything in the Quran. The Quran is interpreted through linguistic principles and logic, and rarely by the sunnah.
True False

If a Sahabi relates a hadith but then does not act upon it, should we assume the ruling is no longer binding?
True False

Is wudu an act of worship in and of itself?
True False

Do all/ most major sins take one outside the fold of islam?
True False

The precedence of the righteous scholars should be taken into consideration in fiqh.
True False

Actions that lead to sin are likewise prohibited.
True False

If the Prophet tells us to do something, it is required. And if the Prophet tells us not to do something then it is haram.
True False

Hypothetical and abstract questions should be asked in fiqh.
True False

The customs of people take precedence over an explicit hadith.
True False

Now that you have answered all the questions, continue to the Show Me My Score button below.

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