This quiz tests Which of my friends are you? Anthony-"Screw the world i have come let humans burn and scream!" You sing at X-mas instead of silent night. The quiet kid in the back class in all black, hair down infront of your eyes as you work on your deep emotionaly twisted art. You are wize beyond your years but you dont care, you rather just scream "FAQUE!" Personality Knowledge Quizzes, Trivia, IQ Tests
This Personality IQ Quiz is based upon the selector Which of my friends are you? by SinChild.
Test your knowledge of:
Anthony-"Screw the world i have come let humans burn and scream!" You sing at X-mas instead of silent night. The quiet kid in the back class in all black, hair down infront of your eyes as you work on your deep emotionaly twisted art. You are wize beyond your years but you dont care, you rather just scream "FAQUE!"

Show what you know by answering true or false to the following. Answer ''false'' if neither applies or if you're not sure. Your score will be calculated on the next page.

Your first question is below.

Male (yes) or Female (no)
True False

Does sex cross your mind more than once a day?
True False

Have you ever been with more than one person at a time?
True False

Do you flirt with several people just for fun?
True False

Have you ever been confused by a dirty joke?
True False

Have you ever hurt somebody to be with another?
True False

Have you ever ran from the cops?
True False

MEH! (yes) or FAQUE!(no)?
True False

What hand do polar bears write with? Right(yes) Left (no)
True False

Do you know what a lemon is? And not the fruit.
True False

Wich is more fun, kicking butt (yes) or running around the school halls screaming "Theres a fire in my pants!" (no)
True False

Have you ever started talkign about sex anf not realize it?
True False

Have you ever clinged to a guy/girl infront of thier boy/girlfriend?
True False

"Woohoo!" (yes) or "Who's yo daddy!" (no)
True False

HAve you ever been mistaken as the opposite sex?
True False

What do you see when you see your friend Nej? "NEJY!" (yes) "B**ch" then add a slap (no) Nothing cause im a b**ch too (not sure)
True False

Have you been sober for mor than 3 minutes in your life?
True False

Can yo manipulate people because you are "the baby"?
True False

Do you kick back and enjoy life even if your life is sucking?
True False

Are you about to go off and kill everyone in your calss with the eracer end of your pencil?
True False

Have you or others caught you being hypocritical?
True False

Do you wear more make up than your sister (guys)? Do you watch more football/wrestleing than your brothers (girls)?
True False

Beer (yes) Wine (no) or Hard liquor (no sure)
True False

True False

Now that you have answered all the questions, continue to the Show Me My Score button below.

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