This quiz tests Is a pet Rat right for you? Research other types of pets, especially hamsters or gerbils if you must have a mammalian pet. A rat is not a suitable pet for you. Pets Knowledge Quizzes, Trivia, IQ Tests
This Pets IQ Quiz is based upon the selector Is a pet Rat right for you? by Nomad.
Test your knowledge of:
Research other types of pets, especially hamsters or gerbils if you must have a mammalian pet. A rat is not a suitable pet for you.

Show what you know by answering true or false to the following. Answer ''false'' if neither applies or if you're not sure. Your score will be calculated on the next page.

Your first question is below.

Are you willing to provide AT LEAST one hour of interactive time, per animal? This includes playing, observed exploration time, and shoulder perching.
True False

Do you want a pet that demands attention, and wants to be part of the family, and that enjoys travelling with you to see new sights?
True False

Do you have small (0-6 yrs) children?
True False

Have you taught your children, ages 5+, how to respect living things and how to be gentle with other creatures?
True False

Do you know EXACTLY how much space each rat requires, what kind of food is best, as well as common household poisons and other basic knowledge?
True False

Can you afford the time to clean the rat's enclosure AT LEAST once a week, and financially afford non-pine or cedar bedding?
True False

Do you know of a source where you can purchase high-quality animals? Bear in mind that "feeder" rats are more often than not inbred, high-strung, and have NOT been handled.
True False

Are you willing to "rat-proof" (child-proof but with more detail) a certain room of the house, to dedicate to play space for the new rat?
True False

Are you willing to provide interaction and medical attention to the rat for its entire lifespan, that is, 1-3+ years?
True False

Do you have any of the following pets: dog, cat, reptile, ferret?
True False

Can you afford a second rat to keep with the one, to keep him company? Rats are colony animals and thrive on the attention of others of their own species.
True False

Do you want an animal that is clean, requires minimal, if any, grooming?
True False

Do you want a pet that can learn her own name, as well as various other commands?
True False

Now that you have answered all the questions, continue to the Show Me My Score button below.

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