This quiz tests Are you High-Maintenance? Neutral Personality Knowledge Quizzes, Trivia, IQ Tests
This Personality IQ Quiz is based upon the selector Are you High-Maintenance? by Sanagi no Yume.
Test your knowledge of:

Show what you know by answering true or false to the following. Answer ''false'' if neither applies or if you're not sure. Your score will be calculated on the next page.

Your first question is below.

Are you male(yes) or female(no)?
True False

Does the thought that your gender might affect your result offend you?
True False

Homosexual(yes), heterosexual(no), bisexual-bicurious-I swear it was just experimenting in college?!(not sure)?
True False

Are you currently dating/married to anyone?
True False

Do you change relationships often?
True False

Do you get upset when your mate misses your birthday?
True False

What about your anniversary?
True False

Have you even remained in a relationship long enough to -have- an anniversary?
True False

Don't lie!
True False

Do you like it when your mate buys things for you?
True False

Do you like to buy things for him/her in return?
True False

Which do you prefer--small, thoughtful gifts chosen for their personal value(yes), or extravagant, possibly expensive public displays of affection(no)?
True False

Do you expect things how you want them, when you want them?
True False

....with handcuffs?
True False

Do you like to go out to expensive restaurants/clubs?
True False

If so, who pays--you(yes) or your mate(no)? ( If it varies, choose "not sure".)
True False

Do you decide when you have sex(yes), or does he/she(no)--or is it such a wild tempest of passion and lust that you just don't know -who- started it and can't even remember if you used a condom(not sure)?! (For those in less intimate relationships, substitute kissing, etc. )
True False

Do you often throw temper tantrums because of something he/she did but refuse to tell him/her exactly -why-?
True False

Do you think that your mate is wonderful?
True False

....but only when the mood suits you?
True False

Do you know more about your mate than he/she knows about you?
True False

In fact, do you -obsess- about it?
True False

Do you prefer that your mate dress a certain way in public?
True False

And last of all, do you -really- give a flying rat's ass about the results of this quiz?
True False

Now that you have answered all the questions, continue to the Show Me My Score button below.

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