This quiz tests Final Fantasy vs. Breath of Fire: Which one would you prefer? 'Breath of Fire'-series Final Fantasy Knowledge Quizzes, Trivia, IQ Tests
This Final Fantasy IQ Quiz is based upon the selector Final Fantasy vs. Breath of Fire: Which one would you prefer? by Cyanid.
Test your knowledge of:
'Breath of Fire'-series

Show what you know by answering true or false to the following. Answer ''false'' if neither applies or if you're not sure. Your score will be calculated on the next page.

Your first question is below.

Should your character be able to choose from several playable classes?
True False

Should most characters be human(ish)?
True False

Or do you like to play anthromorphic characters? (as in: animals with human characteristics)
True False

Do you like dragons?
True False

How about technology, do you like that to be very advanced?
True False

Does the game need to have strong religious themes?
True False

Should the series provide a lot of recurring characters?
True False

Is it cool to have characters that can fuse together to much stronger forms?
True False

And should characters be able to transform themselves?
True False

Do you prefer Steampunk settings?
True False

Or do you prefer Cyberpunk settings?
True False

Do you have to be able to summon a lot of mythological beasts?
True False

Do you like to have many minigames in the games?
True False

Do you have to be able to build and govern your own town?
True False

Should the game have many long, but beautiful cutscenes?
True False

Do you like experimental rpg's, such as with 'point-and-click' or 'dungeon crawler' systems?
True False

Or do you just like to move around on a large worldmap?
True False

While moving around, do you use an airship?
True False

Or do you call upon animals, like giant birds and whales to carry you?
True False

Do you like to follow long paths and rules to gain additional spells?
True False

Or do you acquire them at new levels?
True False

Should you be able to travel on land by using a couple of overgrown chickens?
True False

Or do you use steamdriven, hovering boats to race the lands?
True False

Now that you have answered all the questions, continue to the Show Me My Score button below.

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