This quiz tests Suicide Squad (Ostrander era) character selector Flo Crowley Comics Knowledge Quizzes, Trivia, IQ Tests
This Comics IQ Quiz is based upon the selector Suicide Squad (Ostrander era) character selector by Nick.
Test your knowledge of:
Flo Crowley

Show what you know by answering true or false to the following. Answer ''false'' if neither applies or if you're not sure. Your score will be calculated on the next page.

Your first question is below.

Are you highly secretive, keeping much about you unknown by your colleagues?
True False

Do you have frequent and drastic mood swings?
True False

Do you have an unrequited love for a co-worker or teammate?
True False

Are you looked down on, despised, or frequently the butt of jokes among your social circle?
True False

Are you manipulative, enjoy controlling people and giving orders?
True False

Would you like wearing flashy clothes/costumes (yes) or you do you prefer to wear plainer attire (no)?
True False

Are you good with computers and technology?
True False

Are you especially intelligent?
True False

Do you have a good sense of humor (yes), or are you serious and businesslike on the job (no)?
True False

Would you work as part of a government organization out of a patriotic desire to serve your country?
True False

Would you do so for money, or for some special service in return?
True False

Would you do so in exchange for having a prison sentence pardoned?
True False

Are you prone towards using swear words and/or unusual slang?
True False

Do you have, or plan to have, children?
True False

Would you have any serious moral objections to betraying your teammates, even if it would benefit you personally?
True False

Are you skilled in the martial arts/hand-to-hand combat?
True False

Would you prefer to have a supernatural power (yes) or employ gadgets and weapons in your defense instead (no)?
True False

Would you prefer to be on the hazardous, combat-intensive side of operations (yes) or would you prefer to work behind the scenes in an administrative capacity (no)?
True False

Are you open and easy to talk to (yes) or do you tend to be argumentive, insulting or reserved in conversation (no)?
True False

Do you consider yourself a religious person?
True False

Does the life of a hired assassin sound like something you'd excel at?
True False

Are you easily angered and prone to violent reactions when displeased?
True False

Are you compassionate and highly concerned about the wellfare of your co-workers?
True False

Have you ever been, or plan to be, married?
True False

Now that you have answered all the questions, continue to the Show Me My Score button below.

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