This quiz tests Your Anime Soul Mate Quatre Raberra Winner (Gundam Wing) Anime Knowledge Quizzes, Trivia, IQ Tests
This Anime IQ Quiz is based upon the selector Your Anime Soul Mate by Anime Foxx.
Test your knowledge of:
Quatre Raberra Winner (Gundam Wing)

Show what you know by answering true or false to the following. Answer ''false'' if neither applies or if you're not sure. Your score will be calculated on the next page.

Your first question is below.

You're waiting for a knight in shining armor to sweep you off your feet.
True False

Bad boys simply have more sex appeal.
True False

Mental illness is subjective. Some "psycho" boys are just misunderstood.
True False

Flowers are the key to your heart.
True False

Mech fighting followed by stimulating political debate is a wonderful date agenda!
True False

Good boys are too fluffy. Bad boys are too dark. A guy have a good mixed personality.
True False

A guy is really special when he can admit he likes puppies and kitties.
True False

Chivalry is the most important set of rules for a guy to follow.
True False

Quiet, introspective boys are so wonderfully mysterious.
True False

White, grey, or silver hair makes a guy handsome and interesting, regardless of if he's a villan or hero.
True False

Boys "gifted" with special psycic or spiritual powers have a special allure all their own.
True False

Military men rank higher on your list than civialians.
True False

Origin and species is unimportant compared to looks and personality.
True False

Boys with computer savvy have the edge. They're intelligent and up to date.
True False

Boys that participate sports like basketball or soccer catch your eye because they like to have fun and stay in shape.
True False

Compassion is very important. Compassionate guys make you sigh and melts your heart.
True False

Sword play is takes skill and practice. You really appreciate good swordmenship.
True False

Out of all the elements, you find yourself drawn to Fire more than any other.
True False

Guys that are cold on the outside usually have a heart of gold.
True False

Heartlessness can be overlooked, or can be appealing if the guy is good looking.
True False

Gotta love boys with wings!
True False

There was/is a special someone in his life, but you know you can make him forget all about her.
True False

Self sacrifice is so noble, guys that die for what they believe in or to protect someone they love are the best kind!
True False

Age brings wisdom. Boys under 18 years of age just too young to be appealing.
True False

Now that you have answered all the questions, continue to the Show Me My Score button below.

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