Show what you know by answering true or false to the following. Answer ''false'' if neither applies or if you're not sure. Your score will be calculated on the next page.
Your first question is below.
Most Home Gyms can clearly be identified as "weight stack" systems or "Plate Loaded" systems. Weight stack system always incorporate a weight stack where as the user can adjust the weight for each exercise by moving a selector pin from one position to another. Plate loaded systems require the user to manually load free weights onto the Home Gym to control the amount of weight for each exercise. Plate loaded systems generally are less expensive and cost less to ship but weight stack systems are more convenient as one does not have to handle the plates.
Do you want your Home Gym to include a weight stack with selector pin as standard equipment(not as an option)?
Home Gyms "street(not retail) price" can cost as little as a few hunderd dollars or as much as $3000 or more. We generally like to seperate the Home Gyms as either falling below the $1250 price range or above the $1250 price range. The prices used for this selection are for the base price of the system and do not include the price of any options, which may increase the total value to the higher price category.
Do you want to keep the price of your selection below $1250(base system price without options)?
All Home Gyms have one or more "user stations". User stations are seat locations or workout areas on the Home Gym that allows the user to perform certain exercises. Some Home Gyms restrict the user to one seat location where all exercises are performed while other Home Gyms are accessible from multiple locations allowing for a greater number of exercises and comfort levels. Single station systems generally take up less space but may be somewhat less flexeble and therefore usually offer a limited number of exercises that a user can perform!.
Do you want a single station Home Gym?
Product Warranties are important when choosing a Home Gym. Some manufacturers actually provide a "Lifetime Warranty" on all components of their equipment while others offer it only on the frame. Still others provide limited warranties which do not have a lifetime clause at all!.
Do you want a lifetime warranty on the complete system?
Some manufacturers provide Home Gyms that start with a base package and then add optional stations or attachments as your needs develop or for future expansion . This gives the user the option of extending the capabilities of the base system during the initial purchase or sometime in the future!.
Do you want a Home Gym that can be enhanced with optional attachments for future expansion?
Most Home Gyms allow only one user to use the system at a time. Unlike commercial systems, Home Gyms usually are constructed to offer one user access at a time using one weight stack. However, some systems have a second weight stack included as part of the base system while others offer the second stack as an option. Having a second weight stack allows two people to work out at the same time, but increases the cost of the Home Gym as well as increasing the cost of shipping.
Do you want your system to include a second weight stack as standard equipment?
This question is a continuation of question 6 above. If you do not want a second weight stack as standard equipment and have selected "No" or "Either" in question 6 above, it may still be possible to add a second weight stack as an option at a later date.
Do you want your system to include a second weight stack as an option?
Single and multi-station Home Gyms do not always include a Leg Press or Squat Station as standard equipment but sometimes offer it as an optional attachment. Without a Leg Press or Squat Station, a user can not develop the muscles of the legs and glutes to their fullest capabilities!.
Do you want a Leg Press Station or Squat Station included with your Home Gym as standard equipment?
This question is a continuation of question 8 above. If you do not want a Squat Station or Leg Press Station as standard equipment and have selected "No" or "Either" in question 8 above, it may still be possible to add a Squat Station or Leg Press Station as an option at a later date.
Do you want a Leg Press Station or Squat Station as an option to your Home Gym?
Home Gyms are manufactured in a variety of countries both in the US and overseas. Generally, product produced within the US is more expensive due to the labor rates within this country as compared to overseas. The quality of systems produced overseas can vary, but in recent years the quality of Home Gyms produced overseas have reached the expectations of most US consumers, and many foreign manufacturers now offer "Lifetime" warranties to support their products.
Does it matter to you if your system is produced overseas in countries like Taiwan or China if the quality is as good as the product produced in the US?
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