This quiz tests RU Team X-Men or Team Street Fighter Back in 96? Team X-Men Comics Knowledge Quizzes, Trivia, IQ Tests
This Comics IQ Quiz is based upon the selector RU Team X-Men or Team Street Fighter Back in 96? by gtnish7.
Test your knowledge of:
Team X-Men

Show what you know by answering true or false to the following. Answer ''false'' if neither applies or if you're not sure. Your score will be calculated on the next page.

Your first question is below.

If mutants existed would you be among them?
True False

Or not?
True False

When you experience trauma do see stars (Agree) or do you see tweeting birds (Disagree)?
True False

Are you a mirror fighter?
True False

Or do you have a common fighting style, meaning there are many practitioners.
True False

Do you do martial arts religiously? It is pretty much your only way of life.
True False

Would you be susceptible to the Satsui No Hado, if there was such a thing?
True False

Taller (Agree) or shorter (Disagree)?
True False

RU you fluent in Japanese?
True False

And if so do you always speak it out loud?
True False

Do you change your clothes rather quickly?
True False

Do you use tangible weapons like bow staff and/or blades?
True False

Do you have a habit of disappearing and/or reappearing out of thin air, seemingly?
True False

Do you think Chun-li is beautiful?
True False

Do you like to work more in teams (Agree) or alone (Disagree)?
True False

Do you, LURK?!
True False

Are you really, REALLY flexible?
True False

Can you do a kick-up (a.k.a. back to feet)?
True False

Do people feel literal pain when you taunt them?
True False

In a group photo do like to stand in back (Agree) or in front (Disagree)?
True False

Would you fight anyone if you had to?
True False

Would you partner with someone on the opposing team?
True False

Or not?
True False

Do you feel more bone crushing (Agree) or more legendary (Disagree)?
True False

Now that you have answered all the questions, continue to the Show Me My Score button below.

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