This quiz tests Your Australian Political Party Moderate Liberal Politics Knowledge Quizzes, Trivia, IQ Tests
This Politics IQ Quiz is based upon the selector Your Australian Political Party by CC and Coke.
Test your knowledge of:
Moderate Liberal

Show what you know by answering true or false to the following. Answer ''false'' if neither applies or if you're not sure. Your score will be calculated on the next page.

Your first question is below.

The workers are the cornerstone of the economy.
True False

Small business is the cornerstone of the economy.
True False

Big business is the cornerstone of the economy.
True False

Environmental protection is more important than the economy.
True False

Achieving social and economic equality is the goal of any government.
True False

Protecting liberty, at the expense of economic and social equality, is the role of government.
True False

Rights and liberty must be balanced to ensure a fair go for all.
True False

Environmental protection is the paramount duty of government.
True False

Trade between nations should be free.
True False

Trade between nations should be fair.
True False

Drugs should be legalised but regulated by Government.
True False

Drugs should be legalised and regulated by the free market.
True False

The government has no business investigating what goes on between two consulting adults in the bedroom.
True False

The government has no business interfering in private relations in the electorate office.
True False

Controlling nflation is more important than controlling unemployment.
True False

Tax is theft. Abolish it.
True False

Tax is a necessary evil that should be scaled back as far as possible while maintaining essential public services.
True False

Tax is necessary but should be fair to all.
True False

Tax is necessary and should be highly progressive so the rich pay more.
True False

Tax should be based on income, not ownership.
True False

Affirmative Action laws are necessary to redress historical imbalances.
True False

Same sex relationship laws are evil.
True False

What is popular is not necessarily right.
True False

The law should describe and enforce moral values.
True False

Now that you have answered all the questions, continue to the Show Me My Score button below.

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