This quiz tests Would you make a good ruler? You'd make a wonderful ruler, very fair and just. Politics Knowledge Quizzes, Trivia, IQ Tests
This Politics IQ Quiz is based upon the selector Would you make a good ruler? by Becky Tripp.
Test your knowledge of:
You'd make a wonderful ruler, very fair and just.

Show what you know by answering true or false to the following. Answer ''false'' if neither applies or if you're not sure. Your score will be calculated on the next page.

Your first question is below.

It is important to make sure your subjects keep up the taxes. I mean, you don't necessarily want to raise them too often, but people have to pay taxes. Right?
True False

When you get into power, you will see to it that your friends get luxury and a place next to you.
True False

If your friends did have a place next to you, you would give them as much power as yourself, right?
True False

You would fill in about fifty odd papers a day? (That might be a lot, it might be less than normal, let's see what you know.
True False

You believe in the death penalty for some crimes.
True False

All people should be allowed to emigrate, right?
True False

If you have an opinion, and you know you're right (It could be about a war-time situation, or an election), you get committies to to speaches, and have posters made to support yourself.
True False

If you don't like cirtain music or clothing, etc. (For you believe it may have a negative influence) you get rid of it, no more will be produced, and all seen with it will have it confescated. (Including religions, sexual prefference etc.)
True False

You will give everyone a right to say as they please, and express themselves politically.
True False

You are willing to listen to and consider all of these ideas.
True False

You keep secret weapons, nuclear and disease in labs, just incase.
True False

The draft is always necessary.
True False

Harmless or basicly harmless drugs are allowed, and people with adictions are excused within reason.
True False

Child Pornography? If they want it, it's there choice. None of your concern.
True False

Let's have a law against prejuduce!
True False

You'll make a whole new econemy all on your own. Aren't you clever? It's for the good of the people!
True False

You want to help the planet above all the demands for horribly poluting (and comfortable, convinient, popular and money-making) transportation.
True False

You wouldn't force your beliefs on children at school, they should chose weither or not they take P.E., etc. (But some education should be given)
True False

Wow! Neighboring country(ies) x(y) are doing something! Lets do that!
True False

That knocking on the door is getting so loud! You think the people would be used to the aliens by now. It's not your fault though, you just didn't have the motivation to say no. They did offer to go to Jupiter instead though.
True False

What? You're going to be a leader? You better start planning right away! And get backup, and as many people on your side as posible! You'll be such a great ruler, you'll know what's best for all!
True False

You make some releatively fair laws, and the people are a little quieter now. There's still a couple left complaining. But that's OK?
True False

You'd make everything a fun, fun, free for all walk in the park, amusement day! Give those bad-boys everything they want!
True False

You agree with the majority on a law against apples because the sexy girl in the red dress, who'd rather have meat, promised you a good time.
True False

Now that you have answered all the questions, continue to the Show Me My Score button below.

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