This quiz tests Metal Gear Solid Perfect Guy Quiz Solid Snake Games & Toys Knowledge Quizzes, Trivia, IQ Tests
This Games & Toys IQ Quiz is based upon the selector Metal Gear Solid Perfect Guy Quiz by Solid Snake Fangirl.
Test your knowledge of:
Solid Snake

Show what you know by answering true or false to the following. Answer ''false'' if neither applies or if you're not sure. Your score will be calculated on the next page.

Your first question is below.

The perfect date is dinner at his apartment
True False

The perfect date is champaign and Lobster under the stars
True False

The perfect date is dinner at the hottest resturant followed by cocktails
True False

When your Metal Gear guy is not saving the world he wears sweatpants and a bare chest
True False

When your Metal Gear guy is not saving the world he wears a labcoat jeans and a T-shirt
True False

When your Metal Gear guy is not saving the world he wears a button down shirt and jeans
True False

His apartment has traditional decor with military field gear, training equipment and cardboard boxes everywhere
True False

His apartment has contemporary decor PC monitors and a sea of wires on the floor
True False

His apartment has trendy decor with Baby formula on the kitchen counter and packages of diapers in the corner
True False

The perfect gift to give to your Metal Gear man would be a picture of you
True False

The perfect gift to give to your Metal Gear man would be a Palm Pilot
True False

The perfect gift to give to your Metal Gear man would be a box of handwritten poems recounting all your happy memories together
True False

He would show his affection for you with a bouquet exotic flowers
True False

He would show his affection for you by sending you a poetic e-mail
True False

He would show his affection for you with a CD that has your song on it
True False

When it comes to your favorite food he wouldn't cook but he'd have the perfect meal catered for
True False

When it comes to your favorite food he'd find out your favorite and cook it from scratch
True False

When it comes to your favorite food he'd make reservations at an upscale resturant
True False

You're sick in bed your Metal Gear guy brings you breakfast in bed then gives you a sponge bath
True False

You're sick in bed your Metal Gear guy brings over chicken soup and your favorite video
True False

You're sick in bed your Metal Gear guy snuggles up next to you with a box of tissues and orders takeaway
True False

Now that you have answered all the questions, continue to the Show Me My Score button below.

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