This quiz tests Star Trek character selector Commander William Riker Star Trek Knowledge Quizzes, Trivia, IQ Tests
This Star Trek IQ Quiz is based upon the selector Star Trek character selector by C.J..
Test your knowledge of:
Commander William Riker

Show what you know by answering true or false to the following. Answer ''false'' if neither applies or if you're not sure. Your score will be calculated on the next page.

Your first question is below.

Do you rule with an iron fist?
True False

Do you like tribbles?
True False

Do you like mechanical stuff?
True False

How about martial arts? You like those too?
True False

Are you a good cook?
True False

Are you a Maquis sympathizer?
True False

Would you ever tell anyone to go to hell?
True False

Are you an excellent fighter?
True False

Are you an excellent lover?
True False

Are you pretty logical?
True False

Do you blend in in a crowd?
True False

Did you start off as a good natured ensign, only to rise throught the ranks, paying your dues, and eventually earn your own captaincy?
True False

Have you met Q?
True False

Are you one bad mother
True False

Do you pilot shuttles and ships like you would race a stock car?
True False

Are you considered devilishly handsome (by women) or stunningly gorgeous (by men)?
True False

Oh yeah, are you a man (yes), woman (no), or are you one of "those" people (not sure)?
True False

Does the sound of your voice scare people?
True False

Are you incredibly smart?
True False

Would you rather carry a hypospray that would knock your enemies unconscious (yes), or a phaser rifle (no) on an away mission?
True False

Are you telepathic, empathic or just plain psychopathic?
True False

Do you play an instrument?
True False

Have you ever met a Borg queen? (not including Margaret Thatcher)
True False

Have you ever fought in a war?
True False

Now that you have answered all the questions, continue to the Show Me My Score button below.

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