This quiz tests Fushigi Yuugi Character Selector Miaka Yuuki: You are emotional and at times a major flake. But you still feel that love is somethig great that can conquer all obstacles. Still, you need to learn to look before you leap or you'll end up needing to have someone come in and save you. Anime Knowledge Quizzes, Trivia, IQ Tests
This Anime IQ Quiz is based upon the selector Fushigi Yuugi Character Selector by MiakaHater.
Test your knowledge of:
Miaka Yuuki: You are emotional and at times a major flake. But you still feel that love is somethig great that can conquer all obstacles. Still, you need to learn to look before you leap or you'll end up needing to have someone come in and save you.

Show what you know by answering true or false to the following. Answer ''false'' if neither applies or if you're not sure. Your score will be calculated on the next page.

Your first question is below.

Do you find it easier to blame other people instead of yourself?
True False

Do you find yourself being mean to hide your true self from others?
True False

Do you have a tendancy not to think before you act?
True False

Do you have a past that not many people know about?
True False

Do you consider yourself intellegent?
True False

Do you care about the way you look?
True False

Do you preferr being alone?
True False

Do you like to be on the side of good (yes) evil (no)?
True False

Do you try to get through people's emotional barriers?
True False

Do you want to lead (yes) or follow (no)?
True False

Do you think that if you go away some people would be happier?
True False

Do you think emotions only get in the way?
True False

Do you associate more with animals then you do with other human beings?
True False

Will you do anythign you can to get what you want no matter who gets hurt?
True False

Are you angered easily?
True False

Are the the quiet type?
True False

Is family important to you?
True False

Do you learn from past mistakes?
True False

Do you conceal your emotions?
True False

Do you long for things you can't have?
True False

Do you make it your work to make the people around you happy?
True False

Do you believe that love is a strong powet that can see people through bad times?
True False

Do do hurtful things to people because you were hurt in the past?
True False

You don't care about what happens to you as long as smeone else (other people) are safe. True (yes) False (no).
True False

Now that you have answered all the questions, continue to the Show Me My Score button below.

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