Survey Says: Top Shadow,Zeak,and the like results, Science Fiction Survey
Science Fiction
The top 6 Shadow,Zeak,and the like results of 24 participants. Percentages indicate the frequency of the self-selected participants' top results for Shadow,Zeak,and the like.      

#1 83.3%
liger zero:You are very adaptable.You never give up,but people never respect you
#2 16.7%
ambeint: You are plain EVIL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
#3 0.0%
berserk fury: You'r strong when someone you like is hurt.You are evil because of your owner. Much like shadow.
#4 0.0%
shadow:Your a strong. Kindi evil cause' of your master. You are also mysterous.
#5 0.0%
spectactuler: strange as you are mysterous...
#6 0.0%
zeek: you are loyal And a good friend.

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