Survey Says: Top Which one of my teachers are you? results, Friends & Roommates Survey
Friends & Roommates
The top 6 Which one of my teachers are you? results of 85 participants. Percentages indicate the frequency of the self-selected participants' top results for Which one of my teachers are you?.      
Survey Says
(5=best, 0=poor)
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#1 65.9%
Mrs. Diederich - Your a old witch who really has no life. You pick one person to bug all year and don't listen to others.
#2 23.5%
Miss. Courey - Your a old lady/man but still act kind to others. You don't push people around yet have alot of enemys.
#3 5.9%
Mrs. Berrett - Your strict but nice at the same time. If someone needs your help you'll help em and won't take krap from anyone.
#4 3.5%
Miss. Lown - You hate others joking about your name but always want to have fun with others.
#5 1.2%
Miss Coutney - Your alway there for other people and would not turn your back on anyone, unless their lieing.
#6 0.0%
Miss. Mourano - Your strict, but not quite mean. You won't listen to others want through.
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