Survey Says: Top Do you have what it takes to be famous? results, Celebrities Survey
The top 7 Do you have what it takes to be famous? results of 5405 participants. Percentages indicate the frequency of the self-selected participants' top results for Do you have what it takes to be famous?.      

#1 67.9%
You are going to be on teh cover of every magazine one day!
#2 18.2%
I think you just have to work hard, and you will pass!
#3 8.2%
You could be a star, but you will have many "break downs"...
#4 5.0%
I think you already have trouble...don't ask for more
#5 0.7% might consider sticking with being something else
#6 0.0% would totally ruin your life
#7 0.0%
You could easily be in the spotlight

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