Survey Says: Top WAHT VIDAO GAEM CAHRACTRE AER YUO LOLZ! results, Video Games Survey
Video GamesThe top 12 WAHT VIDAO GAEM CAHRACTRE AER YUO LOLZ! results of 45 participants. Percentages indicate the frequency of the self-selected participants' top results for WAHT VIDAO GAEM CAHRACTRE AER YUO LOLZ!.      

#1 46.7%
The dog from Duck Hunt - You are always in the midst of things. You may not be the most popular of the group, but you definitely add life to it. You are the cute, ugly trademark everyone remembers.
#2 20.0%
Fire-breathing Buddha, from Bad Dudes - You had a gentle past full of wisdom and enlightenment, but that time is long past. You've given up spirituality for power, and your former pacifism only surprises enemies more when you show your utter ruthlesness.
#3 11.1%
The father of the kid who wants the piece of an airship in the auction house from Final Fantasy VI - You have strong business sense, and you don't cut back in the business world, but you're weak when it comes to your children. They're just so cute, why not spend a little on them? Well, you may give in sometimes, but you're still very respected within your community.
#4 11.1%
The pink bombomb from the ice level in Mario 64 - You're that helpful someone who's always there to save the day. You're friends know they can rely on you for help, or for just a good friend. They also know that you demand respect, and you won't be used for your generosity.
#5 4.4%
The 2-wood from Mario Golf - You're simply a tool everyone uses to get what they want. The only reason people are ever around you is to get something from you, because they know you won't argue. You're desperate just for some attention, whatever it may be.
#6 2.2%
Mon's Goblin Raiders from Magic: the Gathering - You may not be a video game character, but that doesn't stop you from joining the party. You're a hound for fun, and you don't care how you get it. You have no morals to get in the way with pleasure, which is good because pleasure is the most important thing for you.
#7 2.2%
The 7th bomb-hornet from Mario Paint - You may be just another face in the crowd, but you know how to leave your mark. You have little chance to make a significant different in the scheme of things, but you'll try your best to make that difference, no matter how much self-sacrifice it takes.
#8 2.2%
The begging guy in Hyrule Castle Town from Zelda: Ocarina of Time - You've had it hard, and you desperately want to have a normal life. You often go days with only a few loaves of bread for meal, and little green-cloaked elves scoff at you as you try desperately to make it through the day.
#9 0.0%
Konsento from Dance Dance Revolution - you're the life of the party. You may not be a leader, but you prefer it that way. Anyway, people look up to you, and acknowledge you as the stylin', fun lovin' dude you are.
#10 0.0%
The daughter of the rich mayor in that southern town from Chrono Trigger - You're father is a greedy careless buffoon who cares for nothing but money. You are often neglected, and though you can buy anything you want, you're all alone. If only someone had given your grandparents some beef jerky...
#11 0.0%
The middle pirate in the battle with 9 pirates in Final Fantasy - You may look the same as the rest, but they all know you're the leader. You're no smarter, no stronger, and no faster than the average person you know, but you have strong leadership skills, and you can persuade people to do what you want them to, whether for good or ill...
#12 0.0%
The trainer just before Brock from Pokemon - You try so hard, but you can never get as far as you want. You have high hopes and dreams, but you are often dismayed by obstructions to your dream. You hate being overlooked, and yet it happens all the time.

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