Survey Says: Top Which of our amazing fwends are you? results, Weird Survey
The top 10 Which of our amazing fwends are you? results of 84 participants. Percentages indicate the frequency of the self-selected participants' top results for Which of our amazing fwends are you?.      
Survey Says
(5=best, 0=poor)
5 Stars
4 Stars
3 Stars
2 Stars
1 Star
0 Stars
#1 67.9%
You are RARA - you are an ickle sweetie and are the perfect kneeboarding buddy...
#2 25.0%
You are TONIA - you are hyper and insane. be proud....
#3 3.6%
You are GEORGE - you are rather opinionated and you are also very cool...
#4 1.2%
You are CATRINA - you are a good dancer and are very hyper..
#5 1.2%
You are ELIZA - you are random and obsessive. get over it girl...
#6 1.2%
You are HANNAH G - you are saintly and always do good. you need to come over to the drak side...we have cookies
#7 0.0%
You are HANNAH C - you are crazy and individual. you have the best dress sense around...
#8 0.0%
You are JESHIE - you are clever but have a good sense of humour. you are perfect and i am jealous...
#9 0.0%
You are KRIS SMELLS - you are rather smelly and skinny. bitch...
#10 0.0%
You are MEGANO - you are pretty and innocent. you are very luvable...
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