Survey Says: Top Are YOU Wal-Mart's Slave? results, Career Survey
The top 5 Are YOU Wal-Mart's Slave? results of 106 participants. Percentages indicate the frequency of the self-selected participants' top results for Are YOU Wal-Mart's Slave?.      

#1 45.3%
You've played their game, but you see through the facade. One day you and yours will rise up and revolt against the terror that is... the smiley.
#2 27.4%
I see you sense that something is awry about this 'Wal-Mart Family'. Open your eyes and see the power of the demon smiley! Escape is possible!
#3 26.4%
You are doomed. Sam Walton has something for you, now bend over and take it like a good little girl. One day, you will manage your own store.
#4 0.9%
You have been sucked into the Smiley-Face culture. Escape, while unlikely, is 'Always!' possible. Now take off that vest. C'mon... it's for your own good...
#5 0.0%
You need to rollback yo ass to where it came from. Remember yo grass roots and get out while you can, fool!

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