Survey Says: Top Which River Phoenix Movie Character Are You? results, Movies Survey
The top 9 Which River Phoenix Movie Character Are You? results of 3650 participants. Percentages indicate the frequency of the self-selected participants' top results for Which River Phoenix Movie Character Are You?.      

#1 20.1%
You are Wolfgang Muller from 'Explorers' You are the geeky scientist
#2 19.9%
You are Mike Waters from 'My Own Private Idaho' You're lost, lonely and searching for love.
#3 14.6%
You are Chris Chambers from 'Stand By Me' You are older and deeper then anyone can see.
#4 14.2%
You are James Wright from 'The Thing Called Love' You are a talented musician and a sucker for love.
#5 10.1%
You are Danny Pope from 'Running On Empty' You're tired of running and want something more in life
#6 7.7%
You are Charlie Fox from 'The Mosquito Coast' You love your parents but know better then them.
#7 4.9%
You are Young Indy from 'Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade' You love adventure but you're still terrified of snakes.
#8 4.3%
You are Birdlace from 'Dogfight' You try to be a player but somehow fall in love with the most unlikely person.
#9 4.2%
You are Jimmy Reardon from 'A Night in the Life of Jimmy Reardon' You believe in love but you love sleeping around too much.

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