Survey Says: Top if you were part of the ::said as though contemplating suicide:: tuna team, who would you be? results, Hobbies Survey
The top 19 if you were part of the ::said as though contemplating suicide:: tuna team, who would you be? results of 78 participants. Percentages indicate the frequency of the self-selected participants' top results for if you were part of the ::said as though contemplating suicide:: tuna team, who would you be?.      
Survey Says
(5=best, 0=poor)
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#1 73.1%
Orgasmic Oyster, with the power to reach orgasim at ANY TIME.
#2 25.6%
Sexual Senile Shark, with the power to gum absolutly ANYTHING and give hideously embarassing hickeys
#3 1.3%
Gigglin' Ghetto Guppy, with the power to giggle and look tough, aided by a set of spikey shoulder pads.
#4 0.0%
Bigass Bitchy Barnacle, with the power to attach her sorry lardass to anything and bitch.
#5 0.0%
Coral Queen, with the power to do absolutly nothing [but we pretend she guards the underwater hideout, just so she doesn't commit suidide, even though she can't because she lacks the ability to move.
#6 0.0%
Crazy Catfish Woman, with the power to freak out
#7 0.0%
Cutsey Crackhead Crawfish, who has the world's highest tolerance for crack, EVER.
#8 0.0%
Fat Man, the gay leader of the tuna team, with the power to....well, let's just say he's a huge FAT whale of the hairy persuation with no flippers and a boarded-up blowhole and bitch named dolphin dude...what do YOU think his powers are?!
#9 0.0%
Flashy Trashy Flounder Woman.....will do anything for a buck
#10 0.0%
Magically Morbid Manteray, with the power to make anybody, even the peppiest GAP fan in the world, suicidal
#11 0.0%
Murderously Infertile Mermaid Woman [Barren Bitch], with the power to pitch wood [don't ask]
#12 0.0%
Pink-eyed Super Scallop, with the power to spread pinkeye to ANYTHINg, even if it is not an eye.
#13 0.0%
Powerpuff Porpise Tres, with the most extensive knowledge of 80's music EVER
#14 0.0%
Powerpuff Porpise Uno, with the power to drink applejuice
#15 0.0%
Seaweed, [the most powerful of the tuna team], with the power to gross people out, get salt in peoples' eyes, MOVE, and disguise herself as a new-age accessory
#16 0.0%
Sensual Seductive Shrimp Lady, with the power to help Murously Infertile Mermaid Woman
#17 0.0%
Sexually Confused Seahorse, with the power to have sex with any object, animate or not, and not feel guilty afterward
#18 0.0%
Super-sneaky Sea Louse, with the power to make people itch, and, of course, to sneak around.
#19 0.0%
Totally Twitchy [Turret's Syndrome] Tubefish, with the power to curse for a longer period of time than ANYONE, even those kids from southpark.
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