The top 6 How Goth are You? results of 1764 participants. Percentages indicate the frequency of the self-selected participants' top results for How Goth are You?.
#1 | 37.8%
| More Goth than the rest. | |
#2 | 25.5%
| Not Goth at all. Why did you even come here? | |
#3 | 10.8%
| Mostly Goth, but with some sense of reality left. | |
#4 | 9.8%
| You are so Goth it scares me. Perhaps you shouldn't be out in the daylight, my friend. | |
#5 | 8.9%
| Wannabe - goth. Get out of my sight you pitiful waste! | |
#6 | 7.3%
| Mildly Goth. Perhaps you are a little more cynical than your clique. | |