Survey Says: Top Anime Matchmaker results, Anime Survey The top 20 Anime Matchmaker results of 2050 participants. Percentages indicate the frequency of the self-selected participants' top results for Anime Matchmaker. Rate Survey Says (5=best, 0=poor) #1 30.5% Trunks #2 23.2% Madison #3 10.3% Kakyou #4 9.0% Kamui #5 5.8% Heero #6 4.9% Goku #7 4.3% Sakura #8 2.8% Tsunami #9 2.5% Ryoko #10 1.9% Relena #11 1.1% Bulma #12 0.9% Yukito #13 0.7% Mamoru #14 0.5% Chichi #15 0.5% Duo #16 0.3% Mina-Sailor Venus #17 0.3% Vegeta #18 0.3% Serena- Sailormoon #19 0.2% Taichi #20 0.0% Touya