The top 8 What Type of CCS Fan Are You? results of 78 participants. Percentages indicate the frequency of the self-selected participants' top results for What Type of CCS Fan Are You?.
#1 | 71.8%
| The CCS Beauty Finder. You like CCS coz' of the appearance and impact. | |
#2 | 25.6%
| Clamp Fanatic. Anything Clamp creates, you absolutely love! | |
#3 | 1.3%
| Cool CCS Fanatic. You really love the show and you're open-minded to criticisms about it. | |
#4 | 1.3%
| The CCS Collector. You buy every CCS collectibles/treasuries in your hands! | |
#5 | 0.0%
| Character-Focused CCS Fans. The Characters make the show worth it! | |
#6 | 0.0%
| Not really a CCS Fan. You find the show interesting, but you really don't care much about it. | |
#7 | 0.0%
| The CCS Critic. You're more focused on the downs of CCS. | |
#8 | 0.0%
| The Obssessed CCS Fan. You're crazy about CCS & you don't care about what others think! | |