Survey Says: Top What does your room says about your personality? results, Personality Survey
The top 10 What does your room says about your personality? results of 7959 participants. Percentages indicate the frequency of the self-selected participants' top results for What does your room says about your personality?.      

#1 38.3%
Live and Love, thats your motto. You are very romantic.
#2 25.0%
You are shy and like to spend time getting to know yourself.
#3 10.5%
Three words: Obssesive Compolsive Disorder.
#4 7.6%
You are more of the Gothic type who like to be left alone in their own world of darkness.
#5 4.5%
You become sad easily and are subjected to wild mood swings.
#6 4.2%
Your living in a Ghetto, get a job!
#7 3.2%
You really don't care what people think about you and like to be your own self.
#8 2.3%
You are definatly overly perky!
#9 2.3%
Your more of the out going, easy going type.
#10 2.0%
You can appear sneaky to others but you are suprisingly loyal.

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