Survey Says: Top did you poo yo pants?? results, Weird Survey
The top 6 did you poo yo pants?? results of 1718 participants. Percentages indicate the frequency of the self-selected participants' top results for did you poo yo pants??.      

#1 52.4%
you poo yo pants only sparatically. use the toilet often.
#2 24.1%
you don't poo yo pants. so don't fret
#3 9.8%
you have uncontrolable poopage in your pants. a visit to the doctor is highly recommended
#4 7.3%
you may poo yo pants but not realize it. try checking your pants for poo.
#5 5.2%
you dont poo yo pants often, but keep your butt near a tiolet.
#6 1.2%
you poo your pants all the time. try to consume less dairy and apple juice to avoid a bigger mess(AKA dhiarrea)

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