Survey Says: Top Which Night Court house do you belong to? results, Books Survey
The top 14 Which Night Court house do you belong to? results of 1725 participants. Percentages indicate the frequency of the self-selected participants' top results for Which Night Court house do you belong to?.      

#1 40.5%
Alyssum House
#2 12.9%
Camellia House
#3 10.2%
Balm House
#4 9.6%
Eglantine House
#5 5.4%
Orchis House
#6 5.2%
You're not even a candidate.
#7 4.8%
Bryony House
#8 2.9%
Jasmine House
#9 2.3%
Valerian House
#10 2.1%
Gentian House
#11 1.6%
Mandrake House
#12 1.2%
Cereus House
#13 0.8%
Dahlia House
#14 0.6%
Heliotrope House

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