Survey Says: Top Nerd Determination Test results, Weird Survey
The top 7 Nerd Determination Test results of 87 participants. Percentages indicate the frequency of the self-selected participants' top results for Nerd Determination Test.      

#1 43.7%
COMPUTER GEEK! Get away--outsiders think you're like a classical nerd, but you're really our mortal enemy.
#2 23.0%
Why are you even on a computer? Back to your Greek, you complete and utter nerd!
#3 13.8%
No, you can't write a satire about this, but I'm flattered, nerd.
#4 9.2%
You do too many drugs to be nerdy. Peace out man.
#5 4.6%
There's a hint of nerdiness there. Develop it or you may end up normal.
#6 4.6%
You try for coolness, but your natural inclination is intellectual. Come to the dark side.
#7 1.1%
You've got no idea what I'm talking about, do you.

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