Survey Says: Top Which neopet are you? results, Pets Survey The top 25 Which neopet are you? results of 76 participants. Percentages indicate the frequency of the self-selected participants' top results for Which neopet are you?. Rate Survey Says (5=best, 0=poor) #1 73.7% Lupe #2 26.3% petri #3 0.0% Aisha #4 0.0% Draik #5 0.0% Grarrl #6 0.0% Grundo #7 0.0% Kougra #8 0.0% Krawk #9 0.0% Moehog #10 0.0% Skieth #11 0.0% acara #12 0.0% chomby #13 0.0% cybunny #14 0.0% eyrie #15 0.0% gelert #16 0.0% ixi #17 0.0% kacheek #18 0.0% korbat #19 0.0% lenny #20 0.0% meerca #21 0.0% poogle #22 0.0% tonu #23 0.0% usul #24 0.0% wocky #25 0.0% zafara